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  • “Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune´s expensive smile is earned.”.- Emily Dickinson

  • "Team Spirit is what gives so many companies an edge over their competitors.".-George L. Clements

  • “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work...”.- Albert Einstein

  • “Let's not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress. Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born form the dark night. It's in crisis that inventive is born, as well as discoveries, and big strategies. Who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without getting overcome. Who blames his failure to a crisis neglects his own talent, and is more respectful to problems than to solutions. Incompetence is the true crisis. The greatest inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness with which they attempt to find the solutions to their problems. There's no challenge without a crisis. Without challenges, life becomes a routine, a slow agony. There’s no merit without crisis. It's in the crisis where we can show the very best in us. Without a crisis, any wind becomes a tender touch. To speak about a crisis is to promote it. Not to speak about it is to exalt conformism. Let us work hard instead. Let us stop, once and for all, the menacing crisis that represents the tragedy of not being willing to overcome it.”.- Albert Einstein

  • "Success is not achieved only with special qualities. It is primarily a work record, method and organization". - J.P. Sergent.

  • “Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.”.- Henry Ford

  • “Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own.”.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”.-  Mahatma Gandhi

  • "Impossible means that you haven't found a solution yet".- Henry Ford

  • I choose to work smarter not harder

  • “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.”.-  Jim Rohn

  • “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”.- Mahatma Gandhi


  • Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”.-Chinese Proverb



  • “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”.- Marcel Proust

  • “The future has many names: For the weak, it means the unattainable. For the fearful, it means the unknown. For the courageous, it means opportunity.”.- Víctor Hugo

  • "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.".- Henry Ford

  • “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”.-Albert Einstein

  • “Self-discovery comes when man measures himself against an obstacle.”.- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

  • “People choose the paths that grant them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort. That's the law of nature, and you defied it. That's why I hired you.”.- Dr.Hou se

  • "[We need] patience and speed at the same time. The two biggest mistakes of a strategy are to act prematurely and to let the opportunity pass by. To avoid making these mistakes, the warrior copes with each situation as if it were unique, and applies no formulas, prescriptions or the opinions of others." Warrior of the light. Paulo Coelho

  • "I don't want to be surrounded by 'yes men'. I want people who'll disagree with me, even if it costs them their jobs.".- Samuel Goldwyn

  • "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.".- Confucius

  • "Somebody who wants to do something finds a possibility, who doesnít want to do it finds a reason.".- Arabian proverb

  • "Knowledge without transformation is not wisdom.".- Paulo Coelho

  • “The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions. ”.- John A. Simone Jr.

  • “The art of victory is learned in defeat.”.-Simon Bolívar

  • “Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.”. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • “Politeness is the poison of collaboration.”. - Edwin Land

  • “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”. -Napoleon Hill

  • “It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”. - Charles Darwin

  • “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”.- Isaac Newton

  • “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”.- Henry Ford

  • "When we walk to the edge of the light and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things will happen~ there will be something solid for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly.".- Claire Morris

  • “Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight”.- Japanese proverb

  • "It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.".- W. Edwards Deming

  • “Your Brand is What You Do […] Find a genuine problem, then build a business model around solving it. That’s the way to build a great brand.” .-Tim Kastelle

  • “Individuals score points, but teams win games”.- Zig Ziglar

  • "Be a fountain, not a drain" .- Rex Hudler

  • "If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars".- Rabindranath Tagore

  • “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” .-Rabindranath Tagore


  • “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty”.- Zig Ziglar


  • "I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind".- Lord Kelvin


  • “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.”.- Thomas Edison

  • "For these [difficulties] I have found that a smile and a stick will carry you through all right, and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is the smile that does the trick".-Sir Robert Baden-Powell



And more…


The True Test of Leadership - Mike Myatt


“I’ve simply lived too long to buy into the myth that success in the workplace will create happiness at home. While it makes for a nice sound bite to console those with a guilty conscience, IT IS A LIE. If your business is growing, but your spouse is crying and your children are neglected, it’s time to do a reality check on your priorities. If your secretary respects you, but your spouse doesn’t you have serious issues that need your immediate attention. If you would rather spend time with your online “friends” than with your children, it’s time to pull the ripcord on your internet connection.”


“If you’re a superstar at work, but a slacker at home you’re not succeeding at anything other than being a disingenuous, ego-centric charlatan. If this describes you, you’re not a leader you are a poser. As a very wise person once said (my wife), “don’t waste your time investing in those who won’t be crying at your funeral.””





The Smallest, Simplest Way to Reduce Stress at the Office by Lea McLeod

Forbes has written articles about it, Google trains its employees in it, and countless websites are now spreading the idea of it. So if you haven’t yet heard about the mindfulness movement, you probably won’t be able to avoid it for much longer.


Now, I’ve seen plenty of workplace initiatives come and go. Typically, I refer to them as “flavors of the month,” since most are only around as long as the book promoting the program stays on the business bestseller list. But I truly hope that mindfulness in the workplace is different and that it doesn’t simply become a buzzword we’ll want to remove from a list of clichéd office jargon by the end of 2014.

Why? Mindfulness is incredibly valuable in an office environment. Do you ever feel anxiety over things that have already happened, like a bad conversation with your boss or a presentation gone wrong? Do you worry about what might happen in the future, like if there will be a layoff, if your new boss think you’re as good as the old boss did, or if you’ll (finally) get that raise this year? Do you struggle with feelings of not being good enough, worry too much about what others think of you, or wilt under the impact of working with negative people?

If you recognize any of these thoughts, mindfulness can help. According to the Mayo Clinic, mindfulness is “the act of being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling at every moment—without interpretation or judgment.” And it’s been proven to improve quality of life, reduce stress, and eliminate the self-judgmental, jumping to conclusions-type thinking that can drive your anxiety levels up.

Of course, this isn’t something you can do overnight; like many people, you’ll probably need to practice in order to develop the skills of mindfulness. After all, being intensely aware of your every moment is not exactly a perspective we honor in today’s multi-tasking, information-overloaded workplace.

But there are some changes you can make—this week—to increase your awareness of the present moment. To get you started, here are five incredibly helpful exercises from How to Train a Wild Elephant: And Other Lessons in Mindfulness by Jan Chozen Bays, MD. Though they may seem like simple tasks, they can be a great jumping off point to mitigate the worries and distractions that consume your mind at work.

1. Use the Opposite Hand

When doing ordinary workday tasks, like writing with a pen or dialing the phone, try switching to your non-dominant hand. Because it doesn’t have the skills of your dominant one, you’re forced to think about what you’re doing in the present moment.

How it Helps: This is a great demonstration of how much we unconsciously move through our lives. We don’t have to think twice about using our dominant hand, but using the other makes us slow down and pay attention, as if it’s a new experience.

2. Listen Like a Sponge

If you’re having a conversation with a colleague or your manager, attend the conversation with no electronic devices. Don’t formulate your response while he or she is speaking, and don’t even take notes. Just focus completely on what the person is saying.

How it Helps: To do this kind of listening, you must quiet both your body and your mind. It may be a challenge to wait for your turn to speak, but by listening 100% attentively, you will be better able to take in what the other person is saying.

3. Stop and Listen

Try eating lunch in the cafeteria by yourself one day. While there, tune into the sounds drifting around you. Don’t try to figure out what each sound is, where it’s coming from, or what you can do to stop it. Just listen to it as if you’ve never heard it before.

How it Helps: Intentional listening is another tool to quiet your mind. If your morning has left you frazzled with stress, too many emails, or a huffy customer, a listening practice at lunch will help you rejuvenate.

4. Pay Attention to Posture

Take notice of your posture during the workday. If you’re standing in a slouch, straighten up. If you’re hunched over in your desk chair, bring your shoulders back and take a few deep breaths.

How it Helps: Bays says that posture and focus are directly connected. When you feel drowsy and begin losing focus, your posture often deteriorates as well. By improving posture, you’ll increase your focus and pull yourself into the present.

5. Breathe

Before you answer your phone, breathe. As soon as the ringing starts, pause and take three breaths. This will help settle your mind before answering the phone, which will help you go into that phone conversation fully focused and 100% present.

How it Helps: This exercise brings you into a state of stillness of mind and body, redirecting your attention to the moment and helping you respond to the caller with calm, kindness, and openness. If you would normally carry your workday stress into a phone call, the three breaths will help you to release that stress before you speak.

When you’ve tried these exercises for a week or so, notice what’s happening for you. No, they won’t immediately dissolve all of your work worries, but they’ll likely help you approach your struggles in a different way. And ideally, you’ll find a sense of calm, peace, and presence in the moment. Start with these simple steps, and see what happens.


















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