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Crush the "I'm Not Creative" Barrier PDF Imprimir Correo
Miércoles, 09 de Mayo de 2012 21:25

Did you know that if you think you are creative, you're more likely to actually be creative? This surprising fact pops up again and again in our research. In our database of over 6,000 professionals who have taken the Innovator's DNA self & 360 assessments, people (entrepreneurs and managers alike) who "agree" with the survey statement "I am creative" consistently deliver disruptive solutions — by creating new businesses, products, services, and processes that no one has done before. They see themselves as creative and act that way.


But what if you don't see yourself as creative? Are you actually less creative?

This is an important question to ask because many — probably half — of you don't think that you're creative. Around the world we regularly ask groups of 100 to 1,000 managers and executives, "Are you creative?" With clockwork consistency, at best half the hands in an audience slowly rise. This is not exactly a scientific sample and methodology, but it's direct enough data to see that most managers don't define themselves as creative (and for what it's worth, asking the more socially acceptable "Are you innovative?" question delivers an equally anemic response).

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Estudio BID-BAD analiza futuro de relaciones Asia y América Latina PDF Imprimir Correo
Miércoles, 09 de Mayo de 2012 21:23

Nuevo informe destaca el potencial para mayor comercio, inversión y cooperación entre las dos regiones.


El fuerte crecimiento del comercio y las inversiones entre América Latina y el Caribe y el Asia Pacífico ha transformado a las dos regiones en poderosos motores para la economía mundial, con comercio bilateral alcanzando US$442 millones el año pasado. Un nuevo estudio señala que ha llegado la hora de profundizar esa relación para asegurar el crecimiento y la prosperidad futura.


El informe titulado “Estructurando el futuro de la relación entre Asia y América Latina y el Caribe” (sólo en inglés) fue redactado por investigadores del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y del ADB Institute, del Banco Asiático de Desarrollo (BAD). El trabajo fue divulgado conjuntamente el 5 de mayo en la Reunión Anual del BAD en Manila.

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Five Ways to Run Better Virtual Meetings PDF Imprimir Correo
Miércoles, 09 de Mayo de 2012 21:21

Anyone who has sat in enough teleconferences has experienced a special kind of meeting hell. The discussion drifts and sags until, to try to get things back on track, the facilitator says, "John, what do you think about the proposed initiative?" Then, after an awkwardly long pause, John responds with: "Oh, sorry, what was the question again?"


Teleconferences can be a huge waste of time. But, when conducted properly, they can be both efficient and effective, even more so than face-to-face meetings. That's right: virtual meetings can be superior to traditional physical ones. The obvious advantage of teleconferences is that they are a quick, easy, and relatively cheap means of getting people together, but there are also other unique benefits that aren't so widely known, including the following:

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